
The Guide to Game Art and Game Art Careers – Making games isn’t all about programming. In fact, the average consumer never even sees the programming that goes under the hood – even as essential as that programming is. Do you know what they do see though? The game art. Unless you’re making a text-based game, graphics (i.e. the game art) are what gives people their first impression of any game. It’s also what provides users with information about how the game is played and what consequences their interactive actions have. They are essential to our modern gaming space, which is why there is an entire subfield of game development completely dedicated to game art. However, if you’re not already an artist, this may be a foreign field to you. Or, even if you are an artist, you might not be sure whether it’s a worthwhile career or how to pursue it.

This guide will aim to define the field of game art thoroughly, and also help you with pursuing it as a career! If you’re intrigued, we hope you dive into this exciting topic with us. To start things off, let’s understand a bit more about what game art is. Game art, in the most general sense, is basically any sort of visual used for a game. The UI? Game art. The characters and enemies? Game art. The backgrounds? Game art. Weather effects like snow and rain? Game art. Storyboards used for the pre-production of the game? Game art. While programming is, of course, needed to place and use the visuals, anything the user sees is an aspect of game art – as well as any art developed during the planning stages of the game. Even the game logo is technically an aspect of game art. The above being said, there are two important concepts needed to truly understand the scope of game art: types and subfields of game art.

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